Tuesday, August 30, 2005

While in line at the candy shop....

Hey guys, I only have a few more days left until I head back to California, then back to IRaq. I am bittersweet about the whole thing. My family member is improving, and may have to go back into surgery one more time. Anyhow, While in line at the candy shop yesterday, i overheard two people talking, and the conversation was rather weird!! Ok, I heard this guy telling his buddy that he slept with his girlfriend at her house(she lives with her mom and sister) after they all got drunk, and they all passed out. Well he and his girlfriend make it to the bed or whereever and they have sex and then they go to bed...sounds normal right!! Well then he said about 2 hours later he gets up to go to the bathroom, and comes back to what he thought was his bed, and in his words he was gonna "do it again" and they did!! Well after some great sex, he reached over for his cigarettes, and didnt feel them! He says thats when he realized that he was in the wrong room and that he had sex with his girlfriends sister...man i was trying so hard not to look like i was listening but this was some funny stuff here...So then he starts telling the guy that he was with that he hurried back into the right room, and had laid there because he couldnt go to sleep, and he felt bad because he thought that his girlfriends mom was hotter than both of them and he wished that he would have went into her moms room...wat a jack ass..anyhow he tells the other guy that the sister knows what happened and she cant belive it, and she is pregnant and his girlfriend is pregnant as well! I was thinking damn his sperm count is high! What in the hell is this guy gonna do with Cousin/Brother?sisters running around the damn house?

Well i thoguht i would share that... gotta run


Blogger Haley said...

WOW, that is really funny. I love that he said, he wished he had gone into the mom's room because she's hotter. HAHA. What a dick. Soo, he's gonna be daddy to both of the cousins..

Glad my sister isn't like that. Man, what a hateful bitch. HAHA

I kinda sounded like a hateful bitch there.

YEs I don't know Anne but I agree with her...Stay Safe. I have a friend here that's in the military and I'm worried about him once he goes off..to do what you guys do..and he's not even going to Iraq for quite some time..

SO STAY SAFE AND PROTECT WELL..please and thank ya..lol.


PS I don't even know your real name....

3:08 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Oh my dear DEAR LORD!!!!

5:43 AM  
Blogger wegrit said...

This sounds like an urban legend gone very wrong!

6:08 AM  

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