Sunday, August 28, 2005

Watching 'Over There'

Hey guys how are you.. i must say that my birthday went awesome. No gun fire, sand storms, camel spiders, 120 degree heat, no IEDS..ahhh the list goes on! I do have a problem though. While at home just laid back surfing the television i run across the move Over there, and it starts in like 10 mins..So i decide to see what it is about. Well from the start of the damn Fairy Tale i knew that i would get pissed off! Well i am watching the start of over there, and this truck(mash stuck old days vietnam truck with no armor is full of about 12 army guys and gals and it gets hit by an IED). Well for starters everyone would be dead. That didnt happen, then there is a injury on the battlefield. So what do the damn TV star US Military personel do....they leave the injured person behind, and go on to the fight! gets better...then when the combat medic(which is part of my job) decides to take a look at the wounded female(first priority) he requests that a medivac chopper come in and rescue the wounded(part of my job). Well guess what the bullshit TV drama Officer does..He says no! At that point im like WTF? Who is making up this shit! You have a female soldier who was driving a umarmored vehicle that was just blown up by an IED, and her CO(commanding officer) says no to her behind medivacd out? He goes against the wishes of the medic on duty? HMMM I wonder what FX(Foxnews=Al Jazeera in America) is telling the insurgent fucks that where watching that show as we were. Then it moves on to the battle in which a lone soldier preparing to secure a town, walks up to a movable object and "tampers" with it, and get blown to shreds! Not a damn soldier in his/her right mind would even fall out of the "Loop"(for a lack fo better words and a understanding that i wont comprimise my buddies in iraq) to go out and touch some shit while he is trying to secure a town...sigh I am really upset... Then the fire fight breaks out, and you have a guy laying down suppressive fire(their words, not mines) and he is picking off insurgents like he is picking berries in a wild field! Then all of a sudden a kid runs out into the firefight and throws something at the US Soldiers, and they return fire and kill him and his mother when he was being pulled back by his mother. While that has happend in iraq, what doesnt happen in iraq is pussy damn US Military personel. They soldiers then retreat after all insurgents are dead, without checking on the civilains, or the insurgents, nor did they gather intel. I mean FoxNews=FX=Fox has to be just stupid for this! They really just killed some US military personel by showing the world that this is how America acts within a firefight and we dont! Oh and the whole bit where you have the whole squad standing next to the Blown Up Vehicle not taking cover is total bullshit FX! I wont even go into the whole spill about the embedded reporter thing that they had going! WOW Hollywood can make some money, by indirectly killing military personel!

Everyone that lives breathes and just socializes with the outside world can contribute to the life or death of a soldier. The Insurgents may not be the best fighters, but they arent stupid! They watch TV, and scan the Internet just like the everyday person does! So all that i would like to say is that the REAL USA doesnt act like that, and if any of you who watch the show, want a real idea of iraq, dont use that show as a basis...and if you havent seen the show watch it... im sure you can see the faults in it... Well im off to party and let off some steam for my birthday...ill check back later


Blogger Bonnie Rose © said...

I have been watching Over There since the pilot. I thought this last episode has been the best so far, in regard to character development. But reading your post has been really interesting to me. About the differences in what FX shows about an ongoing conflict with the realities that you have blogged about. Before the show aired, I was hoping it would be up there with Band of Brothers. Though from watching it with my husband (also in the USAF) and hearing other peoples doesn't look that way. I'm an Air Force brat, so I'm hoping my dad would watch it and let me know his perspective, from being a Gulf war vet. So anyways, I support and I'm praying for all our troops (and their families) overseas. May God bring you home soon. :) GO AIR FORCE!

11:14 AM  
Blogger wegrit said...

Happy birthday! (I know I'm a bit behind, but I just started reading your blog and I didn't know. I will claim ignorance.)

I'm glad to have found your blog because I'm very interested in what's going on overseas and since my interest in combat photography is being censored by whatever officials in Washington (best not to get me started on this,) this is the next best thing to seeing what is happening.


4:03 PM  
Blogger Haley said...

Happy Birthday! Yeah I am quite the little party animal..and I do enjoy a great male party partner to band up with to start trouble...not bad trouble, good, fun BAD dancing..that hurts people to watch trouble. The likelihood of us ever really getting together to party is quite slim..but it's fun to think about.

I have not seen the show. But it sounds pretty bad. What's your perspective on other "war" movies. One of my favourites was "We Were Soldiers". I want to know if that was a bullshit movie too. Let me know what you think.


7:16 PM  
Blogger ME said...

As far as other war movies go, most are somewhat accurate. Although this is a new kinda war for the military as a whole. The United States Special Operations Forces have been fighting wars like this since the JFK Era.(urban type warfare) The Geneva Conventions really has alot of loop holes when it goes to the war in iraq

9:21 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Happy Birthday - have fun.. blow off some steam. Stay away from the camel spiders - those things freak me out!!! Check back in when you've had a lot of fun..

:) Holli, Nate Nate & Faith

2:03 AM  
Blogger 21st Century Mom said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for referring to Fox as the Al-Jezeera of the US - bwahahaha... I do not watch Fox - EVER! You have totally validated how I feel about that station.

Best to you over there. I am one of those 'Support the Troops - Bring them Home" people. I have a million questions as to how, exactly we can support our troops that does some good (as opposed to those STUPID yellow ribbon magnets on oil guzzling SUVs). I'll send you an email and maybe you can post about it.

6:53 PM  
Blogger Bonnie Rose © said...

Here is a good blog for another perspective on the war over there:

9:15 PM  
Blogger Mama said...

Hi Thanks for visiting our blog! I passed yours on to our 2 boys(19 and 20) also. It's really interesting to read about the life y'all are living and what hard work you do. We stand behind all of y'all over there(no pun intended.) And are so greatful of all you continue to do. Not a day goes by that my daughter and I don't talk about what we do see on CNN etc. And we know that's not always an accurate picture. As a mama myself, I feel like I should apologize for those who talk against all of your efforts. Y'all are doing this for all of us.

I hope your loved one is doing better. We'll continue to pray for all of you. Come visit our blog whenever you want....

Oh! Btw a late Happy Birthday! Glad you could have it at home!

8:51 AM  
Blogger momma of 2 said...

I've never believed what I see on the news on TV - from the local right up to the "big time" nightly news... they always seem to mess it up! Nice to hear a different perspective -haven't seen the show, and now probably wont.

8:10 PM  

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