Thursday, October 27, 2005

Apt Trashed

Hey guys

I made it from the Airport and i headed to Longview but before i could do that i stopped on the way to visit a cousin who never came so i left her a note. Anyhow... i was on the phone..speeding doing 28 miles over the limit when i saw a cop doing radar and i slowed down and pulled over..

The first thing on my mind was damnn these haundi cars are pretty fast for being a POS. :)

So the officer walks up and here it is...

Ofc: How ya doing... then he spits out copenhagen..
Me: Ok sir and you?
Ofc: Are you in a rush to get somewhere
Me: Well no sir. I have been in iraq for quite a while im im used to driving at speeds of over 70mph to avoid getting blown up my IEDS or getting RPGS shot at me.
Ofc: Oh youre a marine huh?
Me: No sir im a airman
Ofc: So you fly planes huh
Me: No sir, i was a gunner in a pavehawk helicopter.
Ofc: So you like to shoot huh
Me: well when its a matter of life and death yes sir
Ofc: How is it over there
me: starting to get aggravated...i say well its shitty, smelly, lawless and they hate cops and military people.
Ofc: well i say we blow the whole damn place up.
Me: Ok sir
Ofc: I cant remember what i stopped you for?
Me: Speeding
Ofc: oh yeah
Me: Heres my license and registration
Ofc: Ok..oh by the way. Did you see a lot of blood. I cant handle it.. i have a weak stomach
Me: Me. Yes sir. I once saw an iraqi slit a sheeps throat and drink his warm blood with it trickling out of his mouth
Ofc: Thats just sick
Me: well its a way of life. I also saw a
Ofc: Please dont tell me anymore. This officer will need assistance if you do
Me: I am sorry sir for speeding, but i must be at my nearest base soon
Ofc: Well im gonna let you go with a warning
Me: Thank you sir
Ofc: No thank you for not telling me any more stories
Me: Ok have a nice day

LMFAO HAHAHAHAH that was funny as hell

ANyway... I sped on even faster to my destination and made it to my apartment...
It is utter destruction and everything is a total loss. They did however dry my carpet and im sure i will have to sue them to get my money back...

I wonder if i could tell a horror story to my apt complex and they have the officer syndrome :/



Blogger kristen said...

I love that the officer got all sick to his stomach by your could have totally made up anything and he would have believed you. Glad you only got a warning.

I'm sorry about your apartment and wish/hope that something is salvageable for you. I hope that the apartment complex does the right thing by you.

3:13 AM  
Blogger Haley said...

That's funny about the officer. Nice work.
Sucks about the apt. though. But, hell you're alive, right!?


4:29 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

I think you just put the sheep blood story in here again so I would have to read it/hear about it for the gazillionth time. GAH!!

6:47 AM  
Blogger buffi said...

I haven't been over here in a while and look at you! You're back! I am so happy to see that. I have said many a prayer for you and will continue to say prayers for the friend you left behind.

I'm so glad he didn't give you the ticket. I would have been pissed if he did.

Be safe now that you are home. Enjoy Texas. Hope your apartment isn't a total loss. I have some stuff you might be able to use if you need it. Let me know!

7:39 AM  
Blogger Mama said...

Loved the speeding story...thats what happens when you're on the phone LOL! (I get mine b/c I'm singing to the radio)

If the apt is ruined from the hot water heater and he knows you were in Iraq...and unable to do anything, shouldn't he compensate you for your loss due to his hot water heater?

Btw, slow down on the fast're gonna regret it LOL!

9:01 AM  
Blogger kristen said...

Ok, I'm really thick.....are you done with your tour over there or is this leave? I haven't wanted to ask, but now it seems like your home for good? I hope so.

We also have things here that we could give you so please let us know what you need for your home,etc. and I'd be glad to help in any way I can.

2:37 PM  

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