Monday, January 09, 2006

Finally moved in... I hate Moving...

Hey guys.. I am in Louisiana with all of the stuff moved, including the damn taco bell dog, then my buddies mom said that she wanted the dog.. So i took it to her and she was happy. Well low and behold when i get rid of one dog, i see some mini schauzers for sell right down the road from. So CAPs kids is like oooh uncle Hawk lets go see. I am like ok hunny, but we arent getting one ok. She looks at me with those i have just tricked your ass eys...we are getting a dog and we really equals you. So we get out and the family sees us. I am in uniform and we talk to the lady and her daughter starts to talk to me. She is like ohh i like military men. I am like oh god help me. Now the girl was hot! She was whooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo, but we werent here for that. So once i gave her damn near all of the information except my phone number and social security number and i had to deal with her touching me, CAPS kid says can yall stop flirting and lets see the doggies! I am like I didnt even flirt!!! So i said yes maam. We get to the doggies and she runs to this win little puppy. She is like ohhh uncle Hawk he is so cute. Then in some kinda way the dog starts whimpering and licking. I am like doggone it. I knew i was in trouble. So i say precious we gotta go! Your dad is waiting. She replies... Oh he can wait. Sigh... So she asks the lady how much are the dogs maam. The lady is like they are 300, but since he is military you can have him for 250.00. So then im like baby i need to check my budget. I dont know if i have that kind of money(which wasnt true but hey i didnt want this dog!) So then she says oh my dad will give yo uthe rest! So after negoitaiting back and forth as if we were two countries fighting over oil or something, here i go shelling out two one hundred dollar bills and a fifty. So the lady is like whatg are you gonna call him hunny? She replies we will call him General. So as we head out and meet up with CAP and the guys, here is his daughter running with general in her arms and she says look what uncle hawk got daddy! Im like oh i got it huh! CAP whispers in my ear and said your such a freaking PUSS when it comes to her. She has you wrapped around her finger you damn fairy. LOL SO with my chest poked out, i say that i am not. I am a man, but the truth is, when i do have kids... I think i am in trouble. So when make the trek to louisiana from mckinney with all of our trinkets and general and CAPs daughter in the car with me. So while she is sleep with general in her arms, i say General i hope you are a good dog, and he barks twice. Now for people with dogs, is that a good bark, or is that a im gonna cause you hell for years bark? So we make it home and now i had a cat got rid of a dog and in 20 minutes had a cat and a dog. What a damn pus i am. Nevertheless General has been good so far. He likes pictures too!

Also in the news we heard that a blackhawk helo went down. I am saddened. I know and im aware that at any point and time that this could have been me. From those damn RPGs to mechanical failure to small arms fire. I hear that 12 people on board died including the crew. I remember when we had trouble(read in the previous posts0 with our helo and we had to land it while the Crew Chief fixed some stuff and we had to engage the enemy without radio contact. That by far was the scariest point in my life. It wasnt being out manned, because are always outmanned. We are trained to fight 1 of me to 8 of them, so that didnt bother me. It was the fact that being on foreign soil and seeing your life flash before you eyes and actually having to take on so many people and see them fall or get cut in half was just horrific. I pray for the families. FOr those guys to go down and the Spec Ops units to get to them and they are were dead was something. I know that if we have one or two more like that im going back. I dont mind going back really, but i just...I dont know. I have grown up soo much. I was already told that i was mature, but mature makes you like you like a guy with so much potential , but not old enough to reach the potential but has past the potential that he/she has reached and doesnt know potential just yet. Maybe someone knows what i am talking about. I mean we have Saddam, and shit is crazy than it wwas before he was hiding in damn foxholes. I guess its all war in war. There are no rules. We as a sane and democratic country have tried to make rules to this war, but in reality, there are no rules. There is no sane way to kill someone. Hell if i cut him down with a hail of bullets from a .50 cal or if i had one of the maj.'s shoot missles and bullets from a jet. Shit dead is dead. Alot of people dont know really how blessed they. Alot of people think they have it bad and they complain. Complain because there jobs suck, or because they drive a raggedy car or just complain about dumb stuff. We..including me do it, but iraq makes you just realize thatstuff just aint that bad. Now we have 12 military personel's families that are gonna get that fateful knock on the door. The knock on the door that will change there lives forever. The knock that will forever play in there minds. The phone call that wil make them never ever wanna answer the phone again. I gotta run... sorry if i offended some people but i call it like i see it... love you guys see ya from me and the General


Blogger Miss Sarah said...

Sucker!!! Hahaha!!!! Although you HAVE to admit, he is cute! Love the name too! You're right, you are going to be sooooo screwed when you have kids! I can see you with about 4 little girls!

My cousin is in La. Well actually he was just deployed out again. He volunteered to go. This will be his 3rd time. He was home for Christmas, surprised everyone, his mom just about had a heart attack, she had us all crying!!!

2:22 AM  
Blogger wegrit said...

Kids see more than you think...and they're viewing it from the outside. I bet you really were flirting!


Just thought I'd mess with you a little bit.

The dog is adorable!!!

7:34 AM  
Blogger Pilot Mom said...

Awww...the General is cute! :)

Glad you are moved in and settled. It doesn't take long to get proficient at moving and settling, right?

I also love the name for the dog.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Miss Sarah said...

You know, I'm glad that you addressed the "me" that has a hidden profile. It's one thing to post something to criticize someone/something, but to do it with a hidden profile!? Excuse my language but someone needs to grow a set of balls!!! It must mean that they have something to hide. God forbid you check out their blog and have something to say to them! People like that just irriate me!!!

As for the jogging--better you than me, I'd have been throwing up after the first 1/4 mile! :)

Glad to hear things are going well with the General! He sure is a cutie!!!

4:51 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

I just found your blog and I wanted to say hello.

General looks like a charmer and it sounds like you two were made to be together. Welcome General!!

Thanks for sharing your heart here.

3:25 PM  

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