Wednesday, December 21, 2005

We will be leaving Soon.. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, how is it going. We will be leaving Ft Carswell NAS soon for Barksdale AFB. Its great..Mckinney has been good to me, but im ready to leave for more reasons than one. I decided go back over some of my emails and answer some questions in the blog that i have neglected to answer for whatever reason.

First- Mr. Ops-opt: My mission to help iraqi kids is not with the toys for tots. A group of dedicated bloggers, civilians and other special ops personel have given there time, money and toys to help the kids have some happy holiday. Also the reason why i dont give too much information about some things(such as the hospital that i visited) and i give a whollllle lot of information like(being in starbucks in mckinney) is because the military has just trained me to do that, and second of all..if you read earlier people or should i say bloggers tried to get me punished because of my blog. I would also like to say that i dont write about the horror of iraq. I think that people everyday know about the horror of iraq if they use common sense and keep up with it. I write about everyday occurences that happen in iraq that the media refused to cover. I would however like to know more about you. To be honest with you, i know nothing about you. You seem mystical. I have even had some of my military buddies claim that you are close or that you have ties to the person(s) in Mckinney Tx who "started" the whole letters sent to the Special Operations command... Frankly i dont know. You are however very mystical and you are weird but your private. I apologize if you think that i should be differnt, but im not. I am me. I would never tell or write something about war that i saw or heard about that would make people have life altering experiences on my blog. If you were in Special Operations, then you should know about the CODEC. I am a straight forward guy who believes that all women, men, and children are equal. I have a women friend who can out shoot me with a .50 cal. SHe is awesome and i respect her for that. I think that women can do anyting that i man can do. Merry x-mas :)

Mr: Canada- You asked me via email what did i want for x-mas and would i do the iraq thing over again. The answer is yes. I love being in iraq. I lovedhelping people. The hard or difficult part was seeing suffering from poor and innocent people. It just hurts to see that. But i would do it again. I just want fishing stuff for x-mas

Snoopy: you asked about katie.. well we are coool but we havent taken that step yet. I want to but im scared. I guess we will see.

Blow up doll lady: you have been a true supporter of me and you tried countless times to send me a blow up doll in iraq and i refused with laughter every time. Now that i am home i will refuse again. I am sure that you and your "novelty" business are doing great, but that isnt my cup of tea.

gateway: You wanted to know how my grandmother is doing. Well she is going to be a great grandmother again so she is happy and she is in Houston right now. That lady travels sooo much. I dont think she will ever slow down.

Karen in Austin: I did forward your email to CAP. You seem pretty cool. CAP is here and things are good. We are glad that our buddies are doing well in iraq and no birds have been shot out of the sky.

Alex: Heya kid. Thanks for all of your support. If you truly want to join the air force, do it. I did it with my parents consent at 17. I went to MEPS and i did it. You dont have to fly behind helos or jump out of air planes. The air force has so much to offer man. You can do any job you want without worries of war by joining the air force, and you will still get medals and stuff for being 6k miles away. When you get ready, let me know and i will set up a time for one of my buddies or friends that they know to take you on the base near you and show you about any job(within reason) that you want. Goodluck and i hope you do good on your finals..

Well now that im caught up i will quit wasting tax payers dollars and get back to work..seasons greetings and im sorry about the first post pilot mom...i hope you come back and read it. It was a error with the wireless internet connection :D

see ya


Blogger Pilot Mom said...

Of course I've been back to read it! You should know me better than that! ;)

Congrats on your moving on!

Merry Christmas!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Pilot Mom said...

Hmmm...wonder what that is all about? The not being able to post thing. I'll have to check it out.
Come back and try later! :) Ok?

8:02 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

Hey there! It's been a while since I've visited and I wanted to say "hi" and wish you very happy holidays. I hope all is well and I wish you the best for 2006!

5:20 PM  

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