Friday, December 09, 2005

A blog full of women with a few sprinkles of manhood is just well priceless

First off i would like to say that each and every one of you ladies that are true supporters to what i do and write(even if you dont agree with it) and i would just like to thank you. I did some research on the depression after baby thing and i was flabber gasted. In a situation like that, you will actually need tons and tons and tons of support. That condition doesnt discriminate. It can take on any women, even if she has never expereinced depression. I have even more respect for women and how they work. I have often posted that i would like to know the secrets of women and what makes them tick, and of course all women and there sisterhood or alliance or pact or whatever yall have wont let me in. DAMN!!

I would also like to thank the guys who are prior service, retired or just supportive of what i write(even if you like it) I would like to also say that without you guys paving the way for me, i wouldnt be able to do what i do today.

Now on to the I always have to give thannks to you guys because you are awesome. As you know from my previous post, Katie likes me and well i like her too. I am afraid that it may ruin the friendship if it doesnt work, but hell i was also afraid when that military officer fresh out of west point screwed our coordiantes up in iraq and well we were outnumberd and i had to call in a airstrike on my on position(check the blog for that one) but hey i guess life is about chances. So i tell her that we should just talk openly and see how things go. She was receptive to that and so far it has been going ok. Then i asked her what she was doing this weekend, and she said nothing. She asked me what i was doing, and i said oh nothing but working and thinking about doing something romantic this weekend, and she was like what do you mean? I told her that if she could be here this weekend, i would drive her up to Oklahoma City with CAP and his daughter and we would look at the christmas lights while in a horse carriage with blankets. She told me to hold on, and i heard click click click click really fast, and she said ok Mr.Romance pick me up at the airport at 4pm. My mouth dropped! I couldnt belive it. I got butterflies and more butterflies and i think that for the first time i got morning sickness in the afternoon. Then she goes and says this will be fun because i just got off of my period! UGHHHHHHH PUKE PUKE PUKE No more butterflies, now i feel qweezy. Sick..Check that post as well to get that info. I told her for like the 10 thousandth time that she doesnt have to disclose her days of discomfort to me. Sigh I think that she along with SUZ likes to terrorize me with the word. I was talking to suz one day and she decided to see how many times she could say "the word" and ugh! If only the iraq terrorists knew that all they had to do was wave a box of tampons within a 50 yard radius of me that it would adversly affect my shot behind a .50 cal. UGH!

So i will keep ya guys updated on that.


Blogger wegrit said...

Hey baby!

Haven't written in a while (I've been keeping long hours at the theatre for the last week) so I thought I'd drop you a line.

I hope everything goes really, really well with Katie! You deserve nothing but the best, no matter what anyone else might tell you or how they might treat you.

2:18 AM  

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