Sunday, September 11, 2005


Hey guys, Sorry that I haven't written on the blog in a long time. I have only had a few seconds to hop on the computer and maybe respond to a email or two, and then im off. Our helos are getting matinence and some guys are leaving from Iraq to go home with in the wake of hurricane katrina and the mess that it left behind. So here is what I have been doing....

1) I have been in constant contact(email) with the lady(who never posts on the blog but reads it faithfully) and I have convinced her that even though she owns a sex shop, that I just don't want any toys

2) I have also been on the email with wegrit who reads my blog. She is pretty cool and down to earth, and I wish her luck and success with her school.

Ok as you all can see, the title of my blog is called reporters. I think that I have posted before about my "love" for reporters. I think that they can help people sometimes, like in the katrina fuck up, and sometimes they can hurt people and cost them lives. I am not to keen on a reporter taking up space on my damn helo(which I so faithfully call betty) so that he can try to capture images, horror, death and any other thing that they can capture to try and win a prize. I figure that if he wants to gamble, then take your ass to the damn casino! Anyhow, after matience checks and we are flight ready we head into the briefing and check all of our equipment, I grab the last beef jerky stick from our care package that was sent to us, and we walk to betty. Now for the first time ever, the whole crew walked together towards the helo, and I kinda felt like I had that Tom Cruise walk in Top Gun. So we make it there, I strap myself in and I just leave the reporter there, and he has this "where do I sit look on his face". Well our pilot gave me the look like I should be nice to him while we were still on the ground so I decided to comply and start talking shit to him when we were in the air :D. So I told him ver batim... "Good sir, if you would place your bottom on the left side of the helo and place this nifty strap across your shoulders to ensure safety and security, we will be ready for take off! HA! He looked at me as if he had just stepped on American Airlines! It was a moment to die for. My buddies were looking at me as if they knew this was gonna be a ride to remember. So the fresh reporter climbs on, and the pilot gears up, turns on some music(I'll tell you about that later. Its a big no no in the USAF now) and we are ready to go. Once the base is out of site, the reporter asks the question of all questions which they only ask you to try to get a soft spot with you(it doesn't work on me anymore)... So how long have you been in? I reply fuck you! Take your damn pictures, make your money, but don't get in my way, or I will throw you from this fucking helo! You and all, well not all, but most of you reporters help the enemy every fucking day, and you do it for the love of a fucking prize! I was so prepared for this guy, that I pulled out a box of cracker jacks, and thre them at him and replied "theres your fucking prize". He had this you have just caught me look on his face, and he didn't utter a word(to me anyway). So as we were going to patrol and assist some marines, we get the call that Americans and some British were involved in a IED explosion and a firefight! Well we place a few radio calls and head that way to get an aerial view of the scene and assist our allies if possible. Once we get there the damn reporter goes into action. He has one of those good damn cameras. They can take as many pictures as my .50 cal can spit out bullets. Then he picks up the recording device and starts filming. I can see the blood stained pavement from up above, and we could all see that there were no survivors, and they had a little assistance from some military personnel on the ground so we radioed that we would scan the area, and then head back to assist the Army. Well we scanned, and found nothing more than six dogs having sex practically side by side in an alley. Now I thought that was pretty funny. I never knew dogs engaged in orgies. Oh well. Back to the mission at hand, we are flying and scanning and flying and all of a sudden we see the army boys in a convoy ready and willing to help us get out of here. They make it to there insurgent loc, and start to sweep the houses of the enemy. As that happens, they take fire from a building about 70 yards away, and we spring into action. I yell sniper in the house 70 yards away! My pilot springs into action, and I unload my .50 into the house as well as the army security guys on the ground. After about 10 secs, there is no more fire coming from that house! I then see a guy running to a white truck(there are 100000 of these trucks that all look alike in this country) he is getting a RPG, grabs it and looks up at us as if the fucker is grabbing a beef jerky! If you all know from my previous posts, I hate RPG with a passion! So I unload the .50 on the truck and everything surrounding it when he starts to take aim. After this the Army continues the house to house searches, they round up the enemy and back to the base we go, and they go on back to there place they call home! Once we land back at our loc, we all get off, and I tell the reporter.... I will watch for you on the news...prick! So we all head back in, and..Well me and the pj have this thing going...Its a kind of a race..Well I just knew that there was one fruit roll up left, so we haul ass(hes faster than me) back to the stash to only find that Jenkins is stuffing his face with the last one! I was hurt! I felt as if someone had run over my dog...I think I have been scarred for life. I know it doesn't sound like much guys, but we gotta stay creative and find ways to have fun in this place that smells like shit, sewage, death, and just ugh! So after we brief again, and head to the TV room(6 hours later) I see BBC or some station and what do they have! Fucking still photos on TV for the british to see there loved ones sprawled out dead thanks to some fucking prick reporter! Sigh! I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it! These guys make money off of this, and not only do they make money off of this, but they hurt families and they hinder military operations here! Hense they are making us stay here longer due to them giving up too much info. Maybe the average person cant see it, but if you are military, just look at some photos and news coverage and yo uwill see! Well my heart goes out to the families of the british, and the american contractors. I will post again...


Blogger Haley said...

Fuckin' reporters..
Wow, I love reading your's like you're writing a story... I can see what you're saying in my head.. I don't's just really interesting.

Can the MP's do anything to you if you kicked the reporter in the balls????..hehe.


7:41 AM  
Blogger Mama said...

Britt and I were just talking about news media being in the way and compromising the US by reporting info. Yeah I know free speech yap yap yap, but what about safety issues? Like him being in the way of you and others trying to do your job and giving away locations. We're not talking room for mistakes here. Not to mention like you said the pics getting aired and someone's loved ones seeing images they really don't need to see. You have really opened up our eyes to the reality of Iraq. I appreciate your writings...please know we pray for you.

My son bought his bike. He's happy. I took a pic w/the cell.

ps: I'm sorry you didn't get the last fruit roll-up :(

8:30 AM  
Blogger wegrit said...

Your take on this is really interesting to me...especially since I have such a differing opinion on the subject (as you know from my post about it last week.)

11:11 AM  
Blogger ME said...

Haley- Well why dont i let you kick him in the balls :D I am sure you would like that

11:39 AM  
Blogger ME said...

mama- dont worry about the bike..hes a big boy he can handle it

11:40 AM  

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