Monday, September 26, 2005

Life and Death

Hey guys how are you...

I am truly blessed to be here today! I made it through not one, but two IED devices... i sent out emails letting people know what they do and the damage...well here is what happened... I was orignially scheduled to fly out, but due to reasons that i wont go into, i was inside of the oven..the HUMM. I said a prayer kicked one of my good friends in the ass(literally) and ran off to go to the place that we were going(by now, you guys know that i dont give specs on my mission due to the enemy possibly strolling upon it, and my COs frequent my blog to see if i have done such things) and hopped in the HUMM. I was suprised that we were going a short distance, and then we would take a helo ride to help some marines on the ground secure certain areas. Well i have been trained in close air combat support(calling in air strikes) and riding on betty, my baby. Well this time i was on the ground with the Jar Heads and thinking about shit back at home, and on my blog. Ya know fighting for you guys freedom is a thing that we take for granted alot. I mean we could get killed or blown to shit just for you guys to be able to take your kids to school, eat at chick fil a, or just argue with your family. Now i know arguing may be the last thing on the list, but it is a freedom. Here i am... in iraq, its over 115 degrees, my skinny ass has over 55lbs of gear on, im toting a gun and im around a bunch of cool ass marines. So i get to talking with this guy by the name of J.C. and he starts to tell me how his wife(finace..same thing to me) wrote him a letter to tell him that she was breaking it off because she fell in love with another dude. Man what the hell is up with women today! We talked and patrolled, and i wondered..why in the hell cant there be more agressive...imma kick your ass ladys like HOLLI, and cute non agressive ones like STO STO, and sweet lovable ones like Mamma, and partiers like Haley, and dont forget jan, wegrit and erin(shes cute, and my holiday turns into bullshit because some foreign fuckers decide to take pot shots at us with a damn musket looking Ok, so it was really a AK-47, but still. We walk some more, and JC takes a bullet to the chest. I mean not only was he inches away from me, but ugh it was close. Some tended to JC, and everyone else provided cover fire and killed the asswipe. Another one dies senselessly for 40 virgins and a fucking mule! I am not only pissed because he shot close to me, but im pissed because i was thinking about all of my family and friends and he fucked it up! Well JC wore his flak(as required) and he only had a nasty bruise. So we continued to patrol and we found a huge huge huge weapons cache and called in the EOD boys and they will come in to secure this shit sooner or later. I think about the last thing that JC said before he was shot, and it was over some damn female that didnt give two rats ass about him. Wasnt that me like a short time ago. Man what a way to go out. I mean if im gonna go out, let me at least go out thinking of some girl back home, or haley in her x-mas panties and non-matching bra, or Imma kick your ass HOLLI in a bathing suit...but not about a female who doesnt care about you! That just sux! This guy was at a LIFE and Death point within his life and his last words were about some chic who doesnt give a shit about him. What glory is that. Ya know it really shouldnt matter what others think, but over here it does. Ya know a simple letter, or a rush to get off of the phone, or a fucked up attitude can mean te difference betweeen life and death. Man ole man ole man. What is this world coming too? War is everywhere, people cant be trusted, and how many people drive down the streets thinking about when and where the next roadside bomb is gonna go off, or when the next crazed fool who wants 40 virgins and a mule is gonna shoot at you in a helo.

On the other hand, it would be kinda easier to have people like imma kick your ass HOLLI and non-matching bra and panties Haley, and sweet and innocent Erin and Mamma to deal with, but i havea buddy who doesnt have anyone. I mean he doesnt have a single soul on this earth. Everyone is gone...he isnt apart of their life. I cant understand how this would come do you live like that! People need to count there blessings... Here i am in iraq..its 115 degrees, and it smells like shit, burning tires and just shit and people are over in the states worried about if they should get a number 1 or a number 2 at chik fil a. Lay off! Please just for me. IF you think you have it bad, dont think of me, think of the babies in iraq. The ones who are young and innocent like Faith and Ali Ali Ali who get caught in the crossfire daily. The babies who are ALi ALi Ali's age and death to them is like changing underwear.

Life is precious and death is the end...... be safe..

Love yall


we were able to sneak some "reeb" into the country! It was a awesome couple of hours...

IF you figure it out, dont post it just email it and let me know what you think.

All you needa do is rearrange the letters and you should figure it out.

I like Horses Too...Clydesdales are awesome



Blogger wegrit said...

I saw 'Lord of War' with the boys today. Aside from the fact that we were all bored to tears, their take on it was so much different from mine. There was a part right in the very beginning where a kid who was probably 13 or 14 takes a bullet right between the eyes and they were like "that's so awesome!" I don't think they see the bigger picture of that. I think they saw that and said "oh it's just a movie," when the reality of it is that this is happening every day where you are and that no matter what justification we make for it, it is unfair. A child deserves a childhood, not to be born into constant shelling and a bullet to the head by the age of 10.

You've got me thinking now. I'll post more about it on my blog.

Stay safe...and know that we're thinking of you as much as you think of us, if not more!

10:35 AM  
Blogger kristen said...

Wow. That is a very powerful post and I do take so for granted that you guys over there are protecting this country for us. I'm glad to be able to read what your life is like over there, it's important for me to take my head out of my ass and my trivial bullshit so I can remember what's really happening in the world, not what I see on the news which isn't much.

Thank you for writing your true feelings and your right, your lucky to have such good friends/women in your life and your friend JC, well as you know, those chicks that aren't faithful or loyal, aren't worth it. It's better to find that out now than to find it out when your back home or married, etc.

Please stay safe ~ be well!

4:35 PM  
Blogger Mama said...

Know that we are here thinking of you every day and praying that you are safe! Funny I read something about the cache and thought of you...

We're praying for your friend JC too. Tell him that.

Get my email from Haley if u want it.

ps You know what JC stands for right?

pps glad you got a couple hrs of not thinking time! hugs~M

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, your post rings true. Isn't just the shits that us Americans take so much for granted. I try to not do that... but I am guilty of it too.

I think of you a bunch and pray for your safety. I am so sorry about JC. Please let him know, if you can, that he is in my thoughts.

I cannot express my appreciation enough for all you do. Much love to you!

9:22 PM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Refer to me as "Imma kick yo ass Holli" one more time and I AM gonna kick your ass. I don't remember kicking anyone's ass in a long time!!

Be safe.

1:11 AM  
Blogger Haley said...

THANKS for mentioning the unmatchables..not once..but TWICE. Haha.

Your blog is something I look forward to reading everyday. When I have kids...and they ask me about this war..they'll ask me what I was doing during it. I'll say,"following up on it everyday thanks to my friend. And learning from it more than I ever thought I would."

It's easier to forget because I live in Canada..and I too forget so easily.

Thank you for rearranging my thoughts for me today. Here I was worried about things that DO NOT matter in the scheme of things.

Tell JC that we all are thinking of him now too. And he can have a friend in me if he needs.


Man, you could've been shot...that just freaks me out.

5:12 AM  
Blogger Mommy & Ali said...

Please tell your friend that there are a chosen few women that don't act like that. I can't begin to imagine who she thinks she is. Jesus Christ himself would be about the only man I would leave someone for that is protecting not only our country, but me and my daughter in particular. I go to bed everynight praying for you all, NOW I have added "O and please don't let some bitch get on her high horse and "forward" a break up". (wow I must be upset, I used Jesus and bitch in the same sentence- if you knew me that's big!)Anyway...I am sorry that any of you are thinking about anything but the tasks at hand. I hope soon you all are blessed with relationships that are wonderful and I hate to sound like a mother, but how would you know wonderful if you hadn'texperienced awful? I just wished awful didn't come at such shotty times. I seem to be gabby and proabably not making sense so I will begin to close. Pleae try to fill your hearts and minds only with those kick ass Holli's,AliAliAli's baby Faith's, x-mas panties whoever and so on- we, who do care about you and pray for your protection. Hope you enjoyed the "rebe", I did this weekend!

Love and Kisses (do I know you well enough to send kisses - o well- their from Ali and I both!),
Sto Sto :)

6:05 AM  
Blogger hollibobolli said...

Nana got a blogger account just to respond to this post - WOW!!

Well, Amen.

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Cow Nana! I have always said that Holli just rocks.. now I know where she gets it from!

7:59 AM  
Blogger ME said...

hey wegrit thanks for that post! Maybe your son will want to join the military one day!

4:27 PM  
Blogger ME said...

Acu-Youre right, there are lots of guys over here that are married and have wives that are cheating and drainging all of the tax free money away back home...good point

4:28 PM  
Blogger ME said...

suz-thanks for reading my day you will have a name like imma kick your ass Holli :P

4:29 PM  
Blogger ME said...

mama- I never thought about the JC part until you brought that up...Jc is all around us huh

4:30 PM  
Blogger ME said...

erin-Jc is cool..brusied but cool..ill let him know

4:30 PM  
Blogger ME said...

Haley- Yes i was close to getting shot, but thats everyday...

The bummer would be missing out on you and the x-mas show of green and red non-matching bra and panties.. :D

I think i willl stick around a while longer

4:32 PM  
Blogger ME said...

WOW- ALIALIALI's mom is on my blog....

Guys like you over here! Can i have your autograph in the care package :D

Thanks for coming on means alot to me that you can take time out your busy life to read what i write. I never know what im gonna write until i start, but thanks

4:34 PM  
Blogger ME said...

okc Nana- Wow the mom of Holli and Sto Sto is aboard...

Maam thanks for reading this, but i do have a question or 2 or 3 or 4 for ya..

1) Was Holli as good as Faith is when she was growing up?

2) Did you havea dog that could compare to Nathan? I think he is reincarnated as mother teresa or something.. :)
3) What grade is ALIALIALI in?
4) Who is more of a girly girl...
STO or Holli or Faith or ALIALIALI?


4:37 PM  
Blogger ME said...

Holli- She didnt get a blogger acct just for me! You make me feel special when you do that

4:39 PM  
Blogger CrazyMommy said...

I know I am a day late in replying to your post. Everytime I hear of another American killed over there it just crushes I have two people in my life to worry and my cousin. Life is so tragic sometimes and without you and other military personnel to keep us safe, there would be so much more hatred. I pray that you will be kept under the wings of your Gaurdian Angel (whoever she might be)as you continue to fight for our freedom as well as the freedom of those who cannot fight from themselves.

As many have already said to you, not all women are bad and it's not even worth worrying about the ones that have hurt you in the past. Just know that you have a handful of women here who care about you, love you and want only the best!


Angela and Makena

6:27 PM  

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